Ep 11 with Andrew Housley

I talk with Andrew about yoga , What he's been up to and His books! We talk about yoga and other shit. In this conversation, Rachael Mohr interviews Andrew Housley, a yoga teacher, podcaster, and author. They discuss their experiences teaching yoga and the importance of finding a community in the practice. They also touch on the misconceptions about yoga and the need for mental flexibility rather than just physical flexibility. Andrew shares insights into his writing process and the inspiration behind his novels. Overall, the conversation explores the deeper aspects of yoga beyond just the physical practice. The podcast hosts discuss the origins of their podcast, No Expectations, and the importance of approaching life with no expectations. They also talk about their writing journeys and the process of writing their books. The conversation covers topics such as teaching, spirituality, creativity, and the exploration of difficult themes in literature. Get Andrew's books here: Invisible sun- https://a.co/d/j144ZnI Waiting Impatiently- https://a.co/d/b0Ah9Ns His Podcast "No Expectations" - https://open.spotify.com/show/5RKAgCl... #yoga #teaching #community #mentalflexibility #physicalflexibility #writingprocess #inspiration #podcast #noexpectations #teaching #spirituality #creativity #writing #books #literature


Ep 12 Social Accounts we Love


Ep 10 All the Ships… & other shit